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Inukshuk - Cultural Heritage
Winnipeg, Canada
This installation will stand as a visual representation of the Canadian plurality, where different origins, cultures and ethnicities unite under one symbol, one country. Inspired by the traditional Inukshuks, the “Interlace” is designed to be a symbol of unity, a place maker and a physical reference in the landscape for the passersby, a cultural crossroad and meeting place in the heart of The Forks area.
The piece will be composed by the interlace of different colored ribbons made of 30mm wide polypropylene fabric, wrapped around a permeable lightweight 100mm tubular metallic structure.
It is mean to be cost effective and simple to build, but also playful and filled with color to stand out during the winter months in order to bring a bit more of joy to the daily encounter of all cultures.
Area: 10m²
Status: Idea
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Team: Andre Zanolla, Bianca de Lira Silva
Client: Forks North Portage Corporation
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