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BTT - Butanta Community

Sao Paulo, Brazil


Designed in order to connect the built city and the native forest region of the Butantã Institute through a light and highly permeable structure, both physically and visually. It was proposed the insertion of a mixed-use equipment, composed of an urban park, library and residential for young and elderly people. Its geometry is organized in a way to open in front of the forest, creating view corridors between Corifeu Avenue and the future Butantã Park, attracting pedestrians to its interior and giving back views, so long lost, to the city.

Regarding the physical and visual permeability, a ETFE (ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene) partition-covering was designed, which begins as a vertical translucent wall between the street and the private lot and gradually rises and twists to become a marquee for access to the park and the complex (library + residential), ensuring the visual permeability inside-outside, as well as outside-inside, especially at night, when it occupies the street with its translucency. Under metallic “stilts” that raise it from the ground, there are living spaces without a name or specific use, open to occupation by its own users, either to take advantage of its shade or its view.

The library came out of the demand to bring a cultural equipment to the location as well as being a connection point for the diversity of residents, offering spaces for various activities ranging from atelier for workshops to shelves that follow the visual line of a grandstand for presentations.


Area: 10.000m²
Status: Idea
Location: Butanta, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Team: Andre Zanolla, Bianca de Lira Silva, Mariana Nunes, Regiane Fernandes,
Luciano Margotto (consultant)
Client: undisclosed


© 2023 by Democratic Architects

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